Тези конференцій - 2023

Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dglibtest.nubip.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10040


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  • Ескіз
    Напрями розвитку земельного кадастру та оцінки земель
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Яримчук В.С.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Land cadastre and land valuation play an important role in any country. The described development directions for land cadastre and land valuation are aimed at creating an effective and transparent land management system that will promote sustainable development and ensure the protection of land ownership rights.
  • Ескіз
    Застосування фотограмметрії для цілей агромоніторингу
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Уманчик І.О.; Бутенко Є.В.
    This paper provides a comprehensive insight into the application of photogrammetry in agricultural monitoring. It highlights the growing significance of drones in agriculture, showcasing their advantages in terms of data accuracy and accessibility. The article emphasizes their pivotal role in crop monitoring, precision agriculture, and early detection of crop issues. Furthermore, it discusses the critical use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for assessing crop health. The increasing demand for food production, technological advancements, and the benefits of drone technology in agriculture underscore the paper's emphasis on the promising future of drone applications in agriculture.
  • Ескіз
    Земельний кадастр: сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Пивоварова А.О.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Land management in Ukraine is one of the most important components of the country's economic and social development. The reform in the field of land cadastre and land valuation became relevant after Ukraine's independence and is still ongoing. In the near future, Ukraine should form a cadastral system that would include a multipurpose cadastre, property rights registers, cadastral valuation and other registers.
  • Ескіз
    Організація території та формування земельної ділянки під закладання багаторічних насаджень в умовах Полісся
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Полюхович Л.В.; Бутенко Є.В.
    The conditions in Polissia region create excellent potential for growing perennial crops due to the high fertility of the soil and humidity. Effective land use, agronomic adaptation of plants, and the use of modern technologies are essential components of successful farming. A irrigation system, moisture analysis, and the use of environmentally friendly methods contribute to resilient growth. However, careful economic analysis and planning are key to ensuring financial stability. In summary, well-organized land and modern approaches enable achieving high yields in growing perennial crops in Polissia.
  • Ескіз
    Управління земельними ресурсами під час воєнного конфлікту та після його завершення
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Парчук І.О.; Бутенко Є.В.
    The governing bodies of our state systematically approached the settlement of land relations under martial law, foreseeing both many simplifications to ensure the functioning of the agrarian sector of the economy and the accelerated restoration of Ukraine's infrastructure, as well as significant restrictions. At the same time, such restrictions serve the purpose of minimizing the number of abuses, which could significantly increase in the conditions of martial law in the absence of proper control. Therefore, we hope that all the inconveniences caused by the forcibly imposed restrictions, as well as the martial law, will not last long, and the established regulatory framework for the recovery of Ukraine will help speed up the liquidation of the consequences of the war.
  • Ескіз
    До питання розвитку земельного кадастру та оцінки земель в Україні
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Никонець В.С.; Бутенко Є.В.
    The development of the land cadastre and land valuation of Ukrainian territories are important strategic steps for the country. These processes will not only contribute to transparency and effective land management, but will also form the basis for sustainable development, protection of property rights and attractiveness for investment. Their successful implementation will be a key factor in the development of the economy and the agricultural sector, contributing to the sustainable use of land and preserving natural resources for future generations
  • Ескіз
    Деякі положення моніторингу земель та якості ґрунтів
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Марку В.Ф.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Land is perhaps the greatest asset of any country, but it requires significant care and protection. Recently, the soils in our country have suffered substantial degradation due to various factors, not only related to agriculture. The blame also lies with exploration and extraction of natural resources, military activities, construction, and urban development. The consequences of such activities include flooding, landslides, subsidence, and many other issues. Monitoring the productive soil layer is of utmost importance, and this task is precisely what the soil monitoring service aims to address, although it has not yet been fully established.
  • Ескіз
    Класифікація безпілотних систем та їх ефективність для землеустрою
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Мальков П.І.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their application in aeronautics and land management. The author describes the types of UAVs, their classification according to the degree of autonomy and weight categories according to NATO standards. Much attention is paid to expanding the use of drones in military aviation. The text emphasizes the advantages of using UAVs in surveying, such as fast and efficient data collection, high accuracy and the possibility of safe use in hazardous 223 environments. The author also points out the variety of tasks that UAVs can be used to solve, including territory planning, management and monitoring. The general conclusion of the text is that unmanned systems are a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency and sustainability of land use.
  • Ескіз
    Науково-методичні підходи до оцінки екологічних збитків завданих земельним ресурсам України внаслідок військової агресії
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Маївка М.С.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Due to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, there's a need for compensating environmental damage. The enacted draft law on compensation for these losses involves monetary compensation and restoration of devastated lands. The assessment of damages is based on the impact on soils, water resources, flora, and fauna, considering their scale. The draft law provides for the classification and determination of compensation size for different categories of affected land plots using standardized methodologies. Emphasis is placed on interaction with local 47 authorities and experts to ensure a transparent decision-making mechanism. Broad public discussion and involvement of environmental organizations determine the effectiveness and objectivity in resolving the issue of restoring ecological sustainability.
  • Ескіз
    Застосування лідарного сканування при створенні цифрової моделі рельєфу
    (НУБіП України, 2023) Левченко В.О.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Laser scanning systems (hereinafter referred to as LSS) have been developing rapidly in recent years and have long been successfully used in various countries to monitor the environment and spatial analysis of territories. LiDAR (Light Induced, Detection and Ranging) is a technology for obtaining and processing information about remote objects using active optical systems that use the phenomena of light reflection and scattering in transparent and translucent media. Laser scanning systems provide fast, accurate and relatively cheap surveying of the terrain, and less time and effort is spent on processing the information, which confirms the fact that Ukraine needs to develop in this branch of science researching.