Tomchuk, VictorGryshchenko, ViktoriaTsvilikhovskyi, Valerii2017-04-042017-04-042016Veterinary clinical biochemistry : textbook. Part 1 / V. A. Tomchuk, V. A. Gryshchenko, V. I. Tsvilikhovskyi. - К. : НУБіП України, 2016. - 268 p.Рекомендовано Вченою радою НУБіП УкраїниTextbook «Veterinary clinical biochemistry» prepared for the study of the OS "Master" English training course on the subject "Veterinary clinical biochemistry." The manual consists of sections: «Carbohydrate metabolism and its diseases»; «Ketogenesis and ketosis»; «Lipid metabolism and its diseases»; «Serum proteins and dysproteinaemia»; «Сlinical enzymology».enVeterinary clinical biochemistryветеринарна біохіміяVeterinary clinical biochemistry : textbook. Part 1Part 1Textbook