Перегляд за Автор "Баруліна І.Ю."
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Документ Ключові фактори досягнення рентабельності локальних ферм, заснованих на моделі регенеративного землеробства(Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Дудяк Н.В.; Баруліна І.Ю.A regenerative model of agricultural production consists of many practices that are woven into a profitable farm that contributes to ecosystem services. Regenerative farms fundamentally challenge the current paradigm of food production, which maximizes net profit for the farmer. Key elements of this successful approach to farming include: maintaining soil biology and organic matter, ensuring on-farm biodiversity, and regenerative farms require fewer expensive inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers.Документ Роль землеустрою у формуванні сталого землекористуваня(Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Ковшаков С.О.; Баруліна І.Ю.It is known that land is the basis of human existence, which determines its important role in the process of socio-economic development of society. Land must be rationally used so that it is a permanent 285 source of wealth for people, for this a new paradigm is needed - the concept of sustainable land use. Discussions regarding the scientific justification of sustainable development and the rational use of land resources are ongoing and are becoming increasingly acute